Al Kitaab by Ahmad Rafique Akhtar-Sang E Meel is a profound exploration of spirituality and human existence. Akhtar delves into the depths of the human soul, offering insights into the...
In "Believe Me," Tahereh Mafi weaves a gripping tale of suspense and psychological intrigue, where nothing is quite as it seems. Set against the backdrop of a glamorous but dangerous...
"Broken Flowers" by Robert M. Drake is a captivating collection of poetry that delves into the depths of human emotions and experiences. With poignant verses and evocative imagery, Drake invites...
"Ignite Me" by Tahereh Mafi immerses readers in a captivating dystopian world where Juliette Ferrars, a young woman with a deadly touch, struggles to harness her power while navigating a...
"Pearls and Shards" is an enthralling literary voyage crafted by the talented wordsmith, Iftikhar H. Malik. Set against the backdrop of cultural intricacies and human emotions, this novel weaves a...
"Son" by Lois Lowry is a compelling dystopian novel that explores themes of identity, sacrifice, and the pursuit of truth in a world controlled by a seemingly benevolent but ultimately...
The Strength In Our Scars by Bianca Sparacino is a deeply moving collection of poetry and prose that explores themes of healing, self-discovery, and resilience. Sparacino delves into the human...
"Under Such A Sheltering Sky" by Sarmila Bose is a poignant exploration of the human experience set against the backdrop of tumultuous historical events. Through rich prose and nuanced storytelling,...